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2015-09-03 (Thursday)

Stian Westlake
Presentation: Data, experiment, judgement - new approaches to innovation policy
Position: Executive Director of Policy and Research, National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA), UK
Domain: the measurement of innovation and its effects on productivity, the role of high-growth businesses in the economy, financial innovation, and how government policy should respond to technological change

Edward Parkes
Presentation: Using Open Data for Social Good: Lessons from the Open Data Challenge Series
Position: Senior Programme Manager, National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA), UK
Domain: Delivering Open Data Challenge Series of seven challenge prizes, in partnership with the Open Data Institute
Hwang, Jong-Sung
Presentation: How to make Smart City a Reality
Position: Vice President, National Information Society Agency, South Korea
Domain: IT Strategy, Gov3.0, Smart City
Tsu-Yu Chao
Presentation: The industry paradigm shift in the ear of Data-driven Economy
Position: Deputy Director, Interdisciplinary Research Group, IEK of ITRI
Domain: Industrial Analysis and Strategies on Internet of Things, Big Data and Cloud Computing
Alex Glennie
Presentation: How to design an innovation agency: insights and lessons from around the world
Position: Principal Researcher, International Innovation team, National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA), UK

2015-09-04 (ζ˜ŸζœŸδΊ”)

Charles Edquist
Presentation: The i Linear versus Holistic Innovation Policies: the Role of the Public Sector
Position: Center for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE), Lund University, member of Swedish Innovation Council
Domain: Innovation Policy, Innovation Systems and Innovation Processes

Shin-Horng Chen
Presentation: Post Catch-up Development and the Role of the Public sector in Fostering Systemic Innovations
Position: Director of International Division, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research
Domain: Technology Management, Economics of Information & Communications Technologies