Day1 |
Alex Glennie
Speech Topic:The future roles of innovation agencies in an age of grand transformation
Current position:Head of Policy Engagement and Learning |
Louise Staffas
Speech Topic:Impact Innovation-Sweden's innovation initiative for the 2030s
Current position:Senior research officer, Formas, Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning |
Anders Holmgren
Speech Topic:Impact Innovation-Sweden's innovation initiative for the 2030s
Current position:Senior Program Manager, Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency |
Jan Bouke Agterhuis
Speech Topic:SDE++: An Introduction to the Dutch subsidy scheme for renewable energy and CO2-reduction
Current position:Senior Advisor, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO, NL |
Vincent Gerez
Speech Topic:SDE++: An Introduction to the Dutch subsidy scheme for renewable energy and CO2-reduction
Current position:Senior policy officer, Energy System Strategy Directorate, Ministry of Economics and Climate, NL |
Chiueh, Tzi-Dar
Speech Topic:Taiwan CbI_Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program
Current position:Acting CEO, Taiwan Chip-Based Industry Innovation Office |
Day2 |
Leonard Mück
Speech Topic:The recent development and experience of Fraunhofer AHEAD programme
Current position:Lead for Scouting, Empowerment & Promoters Community, Fraunhofer AHEAD |
Hans Boumans
Speech Topic:Lessons learned from spin-off creation and portfolio management at TNO
Current position:Director Technology Transfer TNO |
Lotta Partanen
Speech Topic:Key Learnings on VTT LaunchPad-fundable spin-off ventures geared for global impact
Current position:Head of Incubation and Acceleration |
Lewis Chen
Speech Topic:How does Research Institute Help Startups ? Take ITRI as a Sample
Current position:General Director of Commercialization and Industry Service Center, ITRI |